Days Until Chung Yeung Festival

249 days

How long until Chung Yeung Festival (October 29, 2025)

249 days

Countdown to Chung Yeung Festival

249 days, 8.0 hours, 22.0 mins, 22.0 secs

How many months until October 29, 2025?

10 months

How many weeks until October 29, 2025?

35 weeks

How many hours until October 29, 2025?

5984.0 hours

Countries that celebrate Chung Yeung Festival

Names for Chung Yeung Festival in other countries:

  • In Hong Kong, they call this holiday "้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€".

Past Dates for Chung Yeung Festival in all countries

October 11, 2024 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong

Future Dates for Chung Yeung Festival in all countries

October 29, 2025 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 19, 2026 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 08, 2027 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 26, 2028 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 16, 2029 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 05, 2030 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 24, 2031 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 12, 2032 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 01, 2033 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 20, 2034 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 09, 2035 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 27, 2036 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 17, 2037 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 07, 2038 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong
October 26, 2039 ้‡้™ฝ็ฏ€ Hong Kong